Dearest Friends @ CASonline of Thousand-Arm Chenrezig,

We are offering you news related to His Holiness, His views on religious conversions, His ideas about Tibet's political future, things that people usually say after they met Him, spirituality that may have gone bad, become good.

May we all work for the greatest good of all !!

"Amituofo !!"

bb @ CAS of T_A Chenrezig


From the Tibetan Medical and Astrological College:

2007: Fire-Pig Year

His Holiness the Dalai Lama has reached the age of 73. According to Tibetan Astrology, this year is considered to be one of the most obstructive years in one's life........ All are requested to pray for the long-life of His Holiness from the bottom of one's heart, follow His valuable advice and put them into practice.



 ( Instead of dedicating merit to His Holiness because one really does not dedicate merit to one's Teacher whom the students are supposed to see as an Enlightened Being from the Vajrayana's point of view !! )






A -

I will like to make a pledge to do the Four Mandala Offering to Holy Tara everyday in the Fire-Pig Lunar Year offered with sincerest wishes to His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

I will like to dedicate too this prayer-pledge to my recently deceased grandparents, Mr so-and-so and Mrs so-and-so.

I will like to dedicate also towards .....

From  XXX

B -

I will want to make a prayer-pledge of 100,000 to about say 1 million mantras of Green Tara and Yamantaka in the Fire-Pig Lunar Year and will like to offer it to HH. Please dedicate for AAA and BBB too ok ??

I cannot promise to really complete the pledge, but will try my best, provided all conditions allow !!

From    CCC



From Samuel:

Video of HH the Dalai Lama --

HH with Oprah

How do i lead a more spiritual life ??


Dalai Lama Quote of the Week

Suppose... you try to convert someone from another religion to the Buddhist religion, and you argue with them trying to convince them of the inferiority of their position. And suppose you do not succeed, suppose they do not become Buddhist. On the one hand, you have failed in your task, and on the other hand, you may have weakened the trust they have in their own religion, so that they may come to doubt their own faith. What have you accomplished by all this? It is of no use. When we come into contact with the followers of different religions, we should not argue. Instead, we should advise them to follow their own beliefs as sincerely and as truthfully as possible. For if they do so, they will no doubt reap certain benefits. Of this there is no doubt. Even in the immediate future, they will be able to achieve more happiness and more satisfaction.

...When I meet the followers of different religions, I always praise them, for it is enough, it is sufficient, that they are following the moral teachings that are emphasized in every religion. It is enough, as I mentioned earlier, that they are trying to become better human beings. This in itself is very good and worthy of praise.

--from Answers: Discussions with Western Buddhists by the Dalai Lama, edited by Jose Ignacio Cabezon, published by Snow Lion Publications

Meeting the Dalai Lama...
Afternoon Dispatch & Courier - Bombay, India
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Devotees recall their association with His Holiness and how much their lives
have changed since
Today at the MMRDA grounds in Bandra-Kurla hundreds will benefit from the
Dalai Lama's all-embracing aura of warmth and compassion. Those who have met
His Holiness can only rave about him and those who haven't aspire to do so.
This reporter spoke to a few of those who, born to a certain religion in
this lifetime, nevertheless found themselves inexplicably drawn to Buddhism
in mind and in spirit.
"I met the Dalai Lama quite by accident," said Teejay Siddhu, television
personality. "I went to Dharamshala about four years back and was just
stepping out of a book store, having bought his book 'Thoughts on the New
Millennium', when he was walking past the store with a few monks. The owner
of the store took me to him.
"The first thing that struck me about him was his warmth," she said. "I was
a complete stranger to him and I am sure thousands of people must be trying
to meet him every single day, but when he and I met, I felt . uplifted. He
treats every single person who comes his way the exact same way - like the
person is very, very special. Thereafter I have made a trip to Dharamshala
every year and, uncannily enough, I have had the good fortune of meeting the
Dalai Lama every time I've gone!"
Her annual trip is a getaway in the true sense of the word where she slips
into the quietude of spiritual bliss.
"I have been meditating every single day for the past 15 years and this only
further cemented my connection with all things spiritual," Teejay said.
"Prayer is when you talk to God; meditation is when God talks to you. It
helps improve the quality of your life. And everyone needs this or something
akin to this to keep them grounded and humble. Otherwise it is very easy to
get carried away by success, fame, money, stress, anger, etc etc. Reading a
lot of books on the subject and acts of kindness increase one's level of
awareness and capacity to feel compassion for others."
Actor Ashmit Patel is yet another who is attracted to the principles of
"I have always admired Buddhism at a distance," he told us. "If one looks at
all the religions carefully, one will see that they all began at the same
point and head toward the same end, but somehow most became very corrupt
along the way. Buddhism has retained its honesty, its sincerity and its
spirit today is the same as when it was first conceived. So I was always
drawn to it.
"One of the locations of my film 'Benaras' was in the complex where Gautam
Buddha delivered his first sermon, located in Sarnath, at the outskirts of
the city Varanasi," he said. "I cannot explain what exactly happened there
and I cannot get into the details, but it was a magical experience. The
incidents brought me closer to the spirit of Buddhism and I began to form a
conscious wish to meet His Holiness. That has happened; Last year in Delhi I
finally met him. it is, again, an experience I cannot put down to words."
"I am actually a follower of Sri Ravi Shankar, but one will notice that all
great spiritual leaders are essentially saying the same thing," said Manoj
Bohra, television personality. "That way, there is no difference between
Shri Ravi Shankar and the Dalai Lama. Both their spirits are untainted. A
new world will open up to those who will attend the discourse on the 31st."
Sascha Sippy, Chairman, Sholay Media and Entertainment Private Ltd, is the
man behind the event.
"Some time back I got the idea of starting a Thought for the Day by Dalai
Lama," he said. "I managed to get a meeting with him. I was in his presence
for a few seconds only. One look into his eyes overtook my life; I saw and
felt the peace and tranquillity I had been looking for. I spoke extensively
with others who have been close to him and thus the Sholay Charitable
Society was born.
"The most amazing thing about the Dalai Lama is, i.e. when you compare with
other religions and leaders, is that conversions are not allowed!" he said.
"He has always said that we are born into a particular faith, how can we
simply turn our backs to it? Adapt and adopt is his mantra."
Sippy believes that it is Mumbai's good karma that has finally attracted His
Holiness to the city and that in turn will further enhance our karma.
"Having met him and having delved into the principles of Buddhism, I can say
that it makes one a better person," he said. "I have become more
compassionate, loving, giving and accepting. What can be better than to
share that wealth with others?"
The Dalai Lama will be interacting with his devotees and followers at the
MMRDA grounds from 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 today.
Dalai Lama's visit to U.S. this spring creates awareness and witnessing
opportunity for Christians
Times Guardian
January 30, 2007
With the impending spring visit to the United States of the Dalai Lama, the
spiritual head of Tibetan Buddhism, an author of the new book "Jesus in a
New Age, Dalai Lama World" is eager to explain on radio and television talk
shows and in magazine interviews how to defend and share Christianity with
Buddhists and Americans enamored with or influenced by the Eastern religion.
"The Dalai Lama's visit to the U.S. this spring is certain to heighten
awareness about Buddhism," said David Housholder, a missionary and educator
with Interserve USA, who lived in India, Thailand and Nepal for more than 20
years, where he worked among Tibetan Buddhist peoples.
"It will be a perfect time to defend and share the Christian faith with
recent immigrants, high school and college students strongly influenced by
Buddhism, and everyday Americans who have woven the Eastern religion into
their personal philosophy and world view. But to do that, Christians need an
understanding of Buddhism and its Western variations, and how to best
present the Gospel to followers and adherents."
California, Texas and Massachusetts are slated stops to date for the Dalai
Lama's spring tour, said Housholder. Interserve USA hopes to host
educational seminars for Christians in some of the locations he plans to
visit. A large conference to be attended by Tibetan Buddhists from across
North America is scheduled for Wisconsin in 2008, Housholder said. .
"Tibetan Buddhism has been highly influential in the religious ecumenical
movement," said Housholder. "It has been embraced by many of the cultural
and intellectual elite, who are drawn by its message of peace, compassion
and spiritual self-gratification."
"Jesus in a New Age, Dalai Lama World," which also is authored by M.
Tsering, is a well-researched, in-depth work on the history, culture and
influence of Tibetan Buddhism," said Rev. Douglas Van Bronkhorst, Interserve
USA executive director. "The point of view is unapologetically evangelical
Christian, because Tibetan Buddhists and Americans influenced by the
religion need Jesus! Householder can make a highly interesting, articulate
and convincing presentation."
Dr. Ralph Winter, founder of the U.S. Center for World Mission, said, "Jesus
in a New Age, Dalai Lama World" reveals how a clear understanding of Tibetan
Buddhist beliefs can help Christians live out the life of Christ in ways
that Buddhists will appreciate.
The book can be ordered from Interserve USA by calling toll free
1-800-809-4440, extension 114, or by emailing requests to
Interserve USA is part of an international and interdenominational
fellowship of Christians committed to each other in a partnership for
service to the people of North Africa, the Middle East and Asia. It is made
up of Christian professionals and highly trained personnel who use their
skills to minister holistically to the physical, emotional and spiritual
needs of the people they serve.

Turkey thanked for building Buddhist temple in tsunami-hit Sri Lanka

Hurriyet, Dec 29, 2006

Istanbul, Turkey -- Among the 450 homes ordered built by Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan in a Buddhist region of Sri Lanka hit hard by the tsunami two years ago, a Buddhist temple was also built with Turkish funds.

State Minister Mehmet Ali Sahin yesterday recounted his impressions of the work done in Sri Lanka following the tsunami to the Council of Ministers in Ankara.

The minister had recently returned from a ceremony in the region dedicating the new homes to the victims of the tsunami in both Sri Lanka and Indonesia.

Sahin said yesterday, "In particular, the Buddhist temple built by Turkey in Sri Lanka has attracted a lot of interest. In fact, Buddhist monks came to two mosques in Colombo to thank the imams there for Turkey's initiative."

Sahin reported that in both Sri Lanka and Indonesia, gratitude to Turkey for keeping its promises following the tsunami disaster was at an all time high.
Archbishop: Pinochets will be forgotten, but Gandhi will live on'
New Delhi, Jan 30, 2007 (IANS) The Hitlers, Mussolinis and Pinochets of the
world will be forgotten but prophets of peace like Mahatma Gandhi, the Dalai
Lama and Mother Teresa will continue to dwell in people's hearts and minds,
Archbishop Desmond Tutu, the legendary anti-apartheid activist, said here
Tutu, a Nobel peace prize winner who addressed the concluding session of the
international conference on 'Peace, Non-violence and Empowerment - Gandhian
Philosophy in the 21st Century, narrated in his characteristic animated
speech how truth and non-violence could overcome the world's political and
diplomatic crises.
'When will we learn that most effective way of dealing with differences is
not by force or by annihilating each other but by making compromises? We are
not learning from the history,' he said.
His half-an-hour long speech frequently drew applause from the audience and
it moved them so much that they, along with the dignitaries on the podium
including Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Congress chief Sonia Gandhi,
gave him a standing ovation.
Pointing out that the war and the violence in trouble-torn Iraq would not be
able to find solutions, he said: 'They will all find stability, peace and
prosperity only through negotiations, compromises and getting into the shoes
of one another.'
'This is a moral universe. Injustice, evil and destruction cannot have the
last word. Truth, compassion and forgiveness will prevail.'
'The Hitlers, Mussolinis, Pinochets (Chile's former military ruler) or
perpetuators of apartheid ... where are they now? But we hold Mahatma
Gandhi, Dalai Lama, Mother Teresa and Nelson Mandela in the highest possible
esteem and in deep reverence,' Tutu said.
'We will never win a war against terror...We can be free together, we can
safe together, we can be prosperous together, we can be humane together,' he
The archbishop, who will receive this year's Gandhi Peace Prize Wednesday
from President A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, praised the Indian government and Prime
Minister Manmohan Singh for the 'remarkable' economical growth the country
has achieved.
He also thanked Minister of State for External Affairs Anand Sharma for his
support to the anti-apartheid struggle in South Africa.
 Dalai Lama our leader- A tribute by Tibetans in Agartala
Indigenous Herald
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Born in India, but 39 year old Yeshi Choephel is desperate to return home in
'free Tibet' - the 'country' always haunts his mind and soul. 76 year old
Tasok Choepherl was born in Tibet and fear he might die in India before he
could see his country liberated.
They are of 75percent Tibetan refugees across India engaged in trading and
retailing winter garments. Their great exodus, pain and sorrow tail
disparity toil of being refugees, and continued struggle grow fainter by the
affection and blessing of Dalai Lama. Tibetans started inflowing India in
1959, after Communist China's invasion of Tibet and its violent repression
of a rebellion forcing the Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of Tibet, to
flee across the Indian frontier. 85,000 Tibetan refugees followed the Dalai
Lama when China annexed Tibet in 1959. More came in following years.
The head of Tibetan government in exile Dalai Lama is slated to pay a visit
for three days starting on January 16 next. The occasion would be touching
and historic for the small group of Tibetan garment traders besides some one
lakh Buddhist tribe men and women in Tripura.
"It's a great feeling to have a great man here. He is our
leader.everything", Yeshi utters. He saw Dalai Lama before from a distance
as they attended religious programmes at Dharmashala - the headquarters of
the government in exile. "Even through I started crying - the affection is
such an immense".
The man born at Shimla, grew in Delhi and now in trade at Agartala - but
with one hope with intense belief that haunts his mind everyday has been
return to the motherland now under 'Chinese occupation'.
Tasok Choepherl was in the 'resistance force' that unsuccessfully fought
Chinese forces in 1959. "I lost two brothers in the fight and even could not
perform their last rights in such a conflict situaion", injured Tasok, then
25, along with family members walked for six days to reach India from Kham
in Tibet's remote Dherung district.
Men and women of Kham region sacrificed life in the fateful year for
countrymen's 'better tomorrow'. Tasok is member of Tibetan group called "
Four Rivers Six Ranges " (translated in English) as symbolises rivers and
ranges in Kham region as for all time to remember they are in a home away
from home.
"We are compelled to fight, but now we want to get back our country through
peaceful and nonviolent means", Tasok says adding "like British left Indian
after 200 years - China would vacate Tibet ".
A graduate from Delhi University , Tenzing Pema (25), sees Tibetan issue not
only political and more complicated. "Chinese are working with a vested
design to destroy tradition, culture and heritage of Tibetans. They have
specially targeted the new generation".
Tenzing opines China in one hand suppressing upsurge of Tibetans and in
another unleashed all measures through wrongful education and cultural
invasion to dissociate Tibetan youths from feeling of nationalism. This is
now a complex situation.
Despite differences how the old and new generation of Tibetans see attribute
the problem - for them Dalai Lama is 'everything' and they would abide by
his directive always. They are encouraged, moved and enthusiastic over His
Holiness's forthcoming visit. "We would make a gate in line with Tibetan
tradition outside historic Buddha Bihar (temple) in Agartala to mark his
visit", Yeshi states.
The noble laureate during his stay would visit remote Manu Bankul area in
south Tripura to attend a series of rituals including blessing anniversary
function of a Buddhist Dhamma Dipa residential school. In Agartala he would
address a religious gathering at Buddha Bihar and would attend an
interactive session at the Town Hall.
Dalai Lama says it is in Tibet's interests to be part of China (dpa)
dpa German Press Agency
Published: Sunday December 24, 2006
New Delhi- Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama said Sunday that it
was in Tibet's interest to remain a part of China, news reports said.
"To remain with the People's Republic of China is in our interest," he
said adding that China was an economically powerful Asian nation, PTI
news agency reported.
"But we are seeking political freedom to preserve our culture and
environment and are opposed to cultural genocide being promoted by China
due to increasing influence of the Han people and spread of Chinese
language in Tibet," he added.
The Dalai Lama was delivering a special lecture at the Indian capital.
The Buddhist leader lives in exile in the Indian hill town of Dharamshala.
He said the increasing Han population in Tibet and deployment of the
Peoples Liberation Army was a hindrance towards attaining political
autonomy in Tibet.
He also said "intentionally, or unintentionally, some kind of cultural
genocide is taking place in Tibet."
He requested Beijing to downsize its military presence in Tibet and stop
shifting Han people to the region.
"This will help achieve our goal to make Tibet a zone of peace free from
nuclear weapons," he said.
He asked India to play a role in helping Tibet realize this goal.
The Dalai Lama said there was more scope for talks between the Tibetan
government in exile and Chinese officials. "We are fully committed to a
dialogue with China despite the Chinese government's criticism and
repression towards us."
The Chinese army occupied Tibet in 1950. The Dalai Lama and thousands of
Tibetans fled to India nine years later after a failed rebellion against
the Chinese.
?2006 dpa German Press Agency
 Future Dalai Lamas will not commend political influence
    - Buddhist spiritual leader
Moscow, January 16, 2007 (Interfax) - The Buddhist spiritual leader predicts
that future Dalai Lamas will have no political influence.
In an interview with the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper published on
Tuesday, the 14th Dalai Lama said that in 2001, a political leadership was
elected in Tibet through democratic elections and that he had
"half-resigned" ever since. He added that in future reincarnations a Dalai
Lama would not be a leader of political power.
Asked whether the institution of Dalai Lamas will continue its existence or
die out, he said that it was "down to the Tibetan people".
Speaking of whether conflicts and wars based on clashes of civilizations
could be avoided, the Dalai Lama said that he had the impression that there
was a collision between the Western world and Islam. He said that the
conflict was exaggerated, and that those Muslims who are involved in
terrorist acts are a handful, who "cannot represent the whole of Islam as
According to the Dalai Lama, people who are poor representatives of their
religion can be found among Buddhists, among Christians, and among Hindus.

