Subject: [CASonline] As always, a strange, brave world.

Dearest Friends @ CAS,
We are slotting into your Inboxes, extraordinary wraps of the heroic, the holy, the wise, the profane and the cheeky.
As our beings @ CAS will be hurled into hair-raising stunts this weekend, our ( usually ) weekly CASonline issue has been tweaked forward.
Savour and marvel.
bb & all friends @ CAS belonging to holy Chenrezig
 The holy Masters of Tibet
The 17th Karmapa advises .....
The highlight of the visit at Bylakuppe was an empowerment of Avalokiteshvara for the public. According to the settlement officer, an estimated 9000 people have gathered who remained there from 9 a.m till 5.30 p.m. The empowerment was followed by a speech and then culture program.
His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, Urgyen Trinley Dorje, concluded the empowerment by saying " No matter how many times one recites the Chenrezik mantra or how many months one meditates, if one does not obey the precious advice of the very embodiment of Chenrezik in human form, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, then the whole effort is useless."
HH Gyalwang Karmapa advised the gathering to strictly read and follow the advice of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, which is available in many volumes.
From Khenpo Konchog Rangdol and CAS's many friends.


Twelve Suggestions for Dealing with the Tibetan Situation

by Some Chinese Intellectuals


Beijing, March 22, 2008



1. At present the one-sided propaganda of the official Chinese media is

having the effect of stirring up inter-ethnic animosity and aggravating

an already tense situation. This is extremely detrimental to the

long-term goal of safeguarding national unity. We call for such

propaganda to be stopped.


2. We support the Dalai Lama's appeal for peace, and hope that the

ethnic conflict can be dealt with according to the principles of

goodwill, peace, and non-violence. We condemn any violent act against

innocent people, strongly urge the Chinese government to stop the

violent suppression, and appeal to the Tibetan people likewise not to

engage in violent activities.


3. The Chinese government claims that "there is sufficient evidence to

prove this incident was organized, premeditated, and meticulously

orchestrated by the Dalai clique." We hope that the government will show

proof of this. In order to change the international community's negative

view and distrustful attitude, we also suggest that the government

invite the United Nation's Commission on Human Rights to carry out an

independent investigation of the evidence, the course of the incident,

the number of casualties, etc.


4. In our opinion, such Cultural-Revolution-like language as "the Dalai

Lama is a jackal in Buddhist monk's robes and an evil spirit with a

human face and the heart of a beast "used by the Chinese Communist

Party leadership in the Tibet Autonomous Region is of no help in easing

the situation, nor is it beneficial to the Chinese government's image.

As the Chinese government is committed to integrating into the

international community, we maintain that it should display a style of

governing that conforms to the standards of modern civilization.


5.                  We note that on the very day when the violence

erupted in Lhasa (March 14), the leaders of the Tibet Autonomous Region

declared that "there is sufficient evidence to prove this incident was

organized, premeditated, and meticulously orchestrated by the Dalai

clique."This shows that the authorities in Tibet knew in advance that

the riot would occur, yet did nothing effective to prevent the incident

from happening or escalating. If there was a dereliction of duty, a

serious investigation must be carried out to determine this and deal

with it accordingly.


6.                  If in the end it cannot be proved that this was an

organized, premeditated, and meticulously orchestrated event but was

instead a "popular revolt" triggered by events, then the authorities

should pursue those responsible for inciting the popular revolt and

concocting false information to deceive the Central Government and the

people; they should also seriously reflect on what can be learned from

this event so as to avoid taking the same course in the future.


7.                  We strongly demand that the authorities not subject

every Tibetan to political investigation or revenge. The trials of those

who have been arrested must be carried out according to judicial

procedures that are open, just, and transparent so as to ensure that all

parties are satisfied.


8.                  We urge the Chinese government to allow credible

national and international media to go into Tibetan areas to conduct

independent interviews and news reports. In our view, the current news

blockade cannot gain credit with the Chinese people or the international

community, and is harmful to the credibility of the Chinese government.

If the government grasps the true situation, it need not fear

challenges. Only by adopting an open attitude can we turn around the

international community's distrust of our government.


9.                  We appeal to the Chinese people and overseas Chinese

to be calm and tolerant, and to reflect deeply on what is happening.

Adopting a posture of aggressive nationalism will only invite antipathy

from the international community and harm China's international image.


10.               The disturbances in Tibet in the 1980s were limited to

Lhasa, whereas this time they have spread to many Tibetan areas. This

deterioration indicates that there are serious mistakes in the work that

has been done with regard to Tibet. The relevant government departments

must conscientiously reflect upon this matter, examine their failures,

and fundamentally change the failed nationality policies.


11.               In order to prevent similar incidents from happening

in future, the government must abide by the freedom of religious belief

and the freedom of speech explicitly enshrined in the Chinese

Constitution, thereby allowing the Tibetan people fully to express their

grievances and hopes, and permitting citizens of all nationalities

freely to criticize and make suggestions regarding the government's

nationality policies.


12.              We hold that we must eliminate animosity and bring

about national reconciliation, not continue to increase divisions

between nationalities. A country that wishes to avoid the partition of

its territory must first avoid divisions among its nationalities.

Therefore, we appeal to the leaders of our country to hold direct

dialogue with the Dalai Lama. We hope that the Chinese and Tibetan

people will do away with the misunderstandings between them, develop

their interactions with each other, and achieve unity. Government

departments as much as popular organizations and religious figures

should make great efforts toward this goal.





Wang Lixiong (Beijing, Writer)

Liu Xiaobo (Beijing, Freelance Writer)

Zhang Zuhua (Beijing, scholar of constitutionalism)

Sha Yexin (Shanghai, writer, Chinese Muslim)

Yu Haocheng (Beijing, jurist)

Ding Zilin (Beijing, professor)

Jiang peikun (Beijing, professor)

Yu Jie (Beijing, writer)

Sun Wenguang (Shangdong, professor)

Ran Yunfei (Sichuan, editor, Tujia nationality)

Pu Zhiqiang (Beijing, lawyer)

Teng Biao (Beijing, Layer and scholar)

Liao Yiwu ()Sichuan, writer)

Wang Qisheng (Beijing, scholar)

Zhang Xianling (Beijing, engineer)

Xu Jue (Beijing, research fellow)

Li Jun (Gansu, photographer)

Gao Yu (Beijing, journalist)

Wang Debang (Beijing, freelance writer)

Zhao Dagong (Shenzhen, freelance writer)

Jiang Danwen (Shanghai, writer)

Liu Yi (Gansu, painter)

Xu Hui (Beijing, writer)

Wang Tiancheng (Beijing, scholar)

Wen kejian (Hangzhou, freelance)

Li Hai (Beijing, freelance writer)

Tian Yongde (Inner Mongolia, folk human rights activists)

Zan Aizong (Hangzhou, journalist)

Liu Yiming (Hubei, freelance writer)

Liu  Di (Beijing, freelance writer)


The rules of signing one's name are as follows:

1. Open signature

2. Only accept the signature with one's own name or commonly used pen name

3. One needs to include one's name, the province of one's current

residence, occupation

4. The e-mails for one to send one's signature: xizangwenti@



Dalai Lama 'wolf in monk's robes'



April 2, 2008



BEIJING -- China has branded the Dalai Lama a "wolf in monk's robes" and

his followers the "scum of Buddhism." It stepped up the rhetoric

yesterday, accusing the Nobel Peace laureate and his supporters of

planning suicide attacks.


The Tibetan government-in-exile swiftly denied the charge, and the U.S.

administration rushed to the Tibetan Buddhist leader's defence, calling

him "a man of peace."


"There is absolutely no indication that he wants to do anything other

than have a dialogue with China on how to discuss the serious issues

there," State Department spokesman Tom Casey said.


Wu Heping, spokesman for China's Ministry of Public Security, claimed

searches of monasteries in the Tibetan capital had turned up a large

cache of weapons. They included 176 guns, 13,013 bullets, 3,500

kilograms of explosives, 19,000 sticks of dynamite and 350 knives, he said.


"To our knowledge, the next plan of the Tibetan independence forces is

to organize suicide squads to launch violent attacks," Wu told a news



"They claimed that they fear neither bloodshed nor sacrifice."


Wu provided no details or evidence. He used the term "gan si dui," a

rarely used phrase directly translated as "dare-to-die corps." The

official English version of his remarks translated the term as "suicide



Wu said police had arrested an individual who he claimed was an

operative of the "Dalai Lama clique," responsible for gathering

intelligence and distributing pamphlets calling for an uprising.


Beijing has repeatedly accused the Dalai Lama and his supporters of

orchestrating violence in Lhasa, the Tibetan capital. Protests which

began peacefully there on the March 10 anniversary of a 1959 uprising

against Chinese rule spiralled out of control four days later.





Elderly Tibetan woman brutally beaten for

refusing to denounce Dalai Lama



Thursday, March 27, 2008



Following the protests by monks in Drango (Ch: Luhuo) County on 24

March, leading to the death of an 18-year-old monk and the subsequent

solidarity protest on 25 March 2008, the local authority has expelled a

large number of monks from Chogri Monastery and arrested some nuns of

Nanggong (Tib translit: nganga sgong) Nunnery, according to confirmed

information received by the Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and

Democracy (TCHRD). Sources also reported disappearances of many lay

people from the area.


On 26 March 2008, under the pretext of a call for a meeting with the

authorities, two former abbots of Chogri Monastery, Geshe Namgyal

Tsering and Geshe Sonam Gyurmey, were detained in the County Public

Security Bureau (PSB) Detention Centre.


In an apparent measure to bring Tibetans in the area under control, the

authorities called for a Getse Township meeting during which the

residents were ordered to denounce and criticize the Dalai Lama and the

"separatist" forces. An elderly woman, Ama Tsanglo, steadfastedly

refused to abide by the order and on the contrary called for the fast

"return of the Dalai Lama to Tibet". Upon this, the Township Party

Secretary beat her brutally, amidst which she shouted, "I will never

denounce the Dalai Lama. Even if you kill me today I won't have any



Unable to see his old mother getting beaten mercilessly, her son sprang

from the crowd and gave some strong physical blows to the Party

Secretary. At the time of releasing this update, both the Party

Secretary and Tsanglo are hospitalized, the whereabouts of the son is




Talking to an Atheist
Today I talked to a buddy of mine who happened to be an Atheist. I was on my way to breakfast at the chow hall when I ran into a buddy of mine. He asked if I was going and if I minded if he tagged along. As we made our way to chow we talked our trade and exchanged mission stories. He is in a different section now, but at one time we where in the same section. We laughed about missions we had in the past and people we have had run ins with. As we talked we started swaying towards religion. He is an Atheist, I am a Christian. So in a sense we had a lot to talk about. We talked about religion. No debating or arguing. No name calling or trying to prove the other a fool. It was basically 2 friends sharing our beliefs and pretty much agreeing to disagree. And to tell you the truth it was kind of refreshing to me.
You see so many times when religion is brought up the discussion can become very nasty or heated. People whether theist or atheist can tun into jerks when confronted by those with opposing beliefs. Like so many other issues we tend to have the my way or the highway mentality. The sad thing is we let this separate us more. It is sometimes one more thing we use to divide us. I told him of one of the big arguments I have seen being made. I asked do you think religion causes violence, he looked me in the eyes and told me we would just find something else to fight about. And the truth is I feel the same way. Yes, there are whack jobs doing bad things for religion, just as I am sure there are whack jobs doing bad things for drugs, money, gangs, you name it. The past is full of all sort of religious nuts, but I also know for a fact there where just as many nonreligious nuts running around to.
The bottom line for me is this we can have an honest discussion without becoming jerks to one another. I can honestly say that I do not look down on anyone for their beliefs. And that religion to me at least is not about violence. To me it is about a word so many like to use today to me it is about "hope". Hope for the fact that if I do good by God that I will go to a better place. Yes there are extremist in all religions and even extremist religions but in truth they are not the norms. And yes, there are those who love to push their belief on others to the point of being annoying and again I feel they are not the norms. Most whether religious or Atheist just want to live their lived the right way and be allowed to believe whatever they choose with out ridicule or attack.
My point is this, we can continue to attack others with opposing beliefs or we can just do what my buddy and I did today at chow agree to disagree and move on. So next time you have a chance to discuss religion versus Atheism why not just talk about it you might learn something.

An ( extremely ) naughty message



 Posted By: "ChristianAmerican" @ 03/21/2008 4:02:40 PM

Comment: I love Tibetants because
1. they don't believe Jesus Christ
2. They believe theocracy and ocult
3. They are more "spritual" (meaning welfare and laziness)
4. They like more affirmative action programs
5. They have affinity to Hollywood retards and pot-smoking new-age crowd
6. They don't need bathing and showering
7. They do badly in school anywhere on earth
8. They are living fossil of medieval time
9. They are happy slave (serf) volunteer
10. They can reincarnate anything they want

